About me
My name is Nicolas Pavie, and i’m currently working for the Association Valentin Haüy and the DAISY Consortium as a software engineer.
Please go check their websites and see what we do :)
I’m a passionate about IT in general, from low-level processors’ architectures to high-level frameworks and APIs.
I had a crush in my youth for Computer Graphics and decided to further explore this domain in my studies, up to a Ph. D. thesis on real-time rendering of surfacic details.
Among my hobbies, i build PCs (when i can, it’s a rather expensive hobby).
I also do some system administration and maintenance for friends and relative, and i’m hosting a home server for inhouse streaming and personnal files backup.
You can check my (unupdated) resume in english, or the up-to-date french version, to get a broad view of my cursus.
Reports, publications and talks
- Ph. D. Thesis, defended in November 2016 : Modélisation par bruit procédural et rendu de détails volumiques de surfaces dans les scènes virtuelles HAL archives
- EG UK Computer Graphics & Visual Computing, 2016 : Volumetric Spot Noise for Procedural 3D Shell Texture Synthesis - HAL archives
- WSCG International Conferences in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision, 2016 : Procedural Texture Synthesis by Locally Controlled Spot Noise - HAL archives, Presentation
- Workshop XLIM 2014 - 2015 : Modélisation et rendu procédural de détails surfaciques 3D - Presentation / Poster
- GT rendu (workshop on rendering), march 2013 : rendu procédural d’herbe par bruit de convolution - Presentation
- Master ISICG study report, June 2012 : génération procédurale de champs d’herbe - PDF
Professionnal experiences
Project manager in software engineering @ AVH
Summary of my missions :
- For AVH
- Helping support and improve the softwares of the transcription chain
- For DAISY Consortium
- Additionnal missions
Project manager in software engineering @ BrailleNet.org
Summary of my missions :
- Sofware engineering for BrailleNet:
- Creating a process chain to optimize PDF rendered with PrinceXML for dyslexic persons,
- Internship management for new text-to-speech adapters within the DAISY pipeline 2 software,
- Code management and development of the IPIP platform for the SIDPT workgroup,
- Sofware engineering for the DAISY Consortium:
- Additionnal missions:
IT Manager @ IGS-CP
Summary of my missions:
- IT and software development teams manager.
- Clients and internal web sites maintenance (database, back-end and front-end).
- Image processing, editorial and printing softwares maintenance and monitoring.
- Project manager and software developer on research projects:
- Database model for spectral measurements of production papers,
- Generation of print-ready PDF files from styled word documents,
- ReactJS-based ink calculator for white paper simulation,
- Production files long-term archiving process.
- Assisting as software developer :
- XSLTs maintenance for ePub 3 generation process,
- XML structuration/correction following clients’ DTDs
- Proprietary Java-based XML files convertor software.
Academic experience
Ph. D. In Computer Graphics @ Unilim
Thesis on Procedural generation of natural details in realistic image synthesis
The increase of demanding quality and complexity of computer-generated natural sceneries raises several needs :
More appropriate content authoring methods, more efficient storage and interactive display techniques.
This thesis focus on answering to those needs, using procedural approaches to produce natural stochastic phenomenon (clouds, complex vegetation ..) with a low memory requirement while keeping efficient rendering of very detailed natural sceneries.
Research assitant @ XLim
Research fields : procedural noises for texture synthesis, real-time rendering, pointbased volume rendering on GPU.
Research missions :
- Assisting in the development, maintenance and optimisation of GobLim, the realtime rendering engine of the Realistic Image synthesis team based on OpenGL 4.3.
- Exploring deployment techniques of the engine for Windows and Linux systems.
- Backporting the rendering engine on Mac OSX systems (openGL 4.1 version).
Teaching Assistant @ Unilim
Lecturer at the Faculty of Science and Technology, in the department of Information Technologies:
- C language,
- Computers’ Architecture (ASM x86),
- HMI for android devices,
- parallel computing,
- programming for Unix-based system
Lecturer at the University Institute of Technology, in the MMI department (multimedia and digital technologies):
- Algorithmic
- Image Processing